User Guide - Metro Purchase Management


​​​How to create a RFQ in purchase app?

How to send a RFQ to a vendor via email?

How to create a purchase order from the RFQ?

How to create a bill from the purchase order?

How to use payment terms in RFQ?

How to create a vendor in purchase application?

How to manage receipt date in purchase orders?

How to create a product in purchase application?

How to use product variants in purchase application?

How to confirm a purchase order from a quotation?

How to create duplicate of the purchase order?

How to unlock a purchase order?

​How to add a vendor refund? 

How to edit a purchase order?

How to cancel a purchase order?

How can I see products in the system?

How can I print purchase quotation?

How can I add supplier/vendor in the system?

How can I view the total purchase orders created last month?

How to enable vendor warnings in Metro Purchase during the purchase process?

How can I schedule an activity?

How to use the 'Send message' feature in purchase application?

How to use the 'Log note' feature in purchase application?

How to use the 'Followers' feature in purchase application?

How to add attachments to the purchase order or quotation?

How can I inform my other staff about my purchase quotation?

How can I set different prices for a single product when purchasing from different vendors in Metro ERP?

How to validate incoming delivery from purchase order (PO)?

How do I use the purchase RFQ terms and conditions in the purchase application?

How do I configure a RFQ report in the system?

How do I configure a purchase order report in the system?

How do I configure a bill report in the system?

How to create a credit note with stock update process in purchase application?