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User Guide - Invoice Now in Metro


Where can I view the received e-purchase orders?

How can I inspect and map the e-purchase order to the existing sale orders?

How can I convert a purchase order to an e-invoice?

How to send an e-invoice to the Peppol Network?

​Where can I view the received Invoice Responses sent by the buyer?

Where can I view the received e-Invoices sent by the Supplier?

How can I send invoice responses for the received e-invoices?

How to search Customers in the Peppol Lookup Directory?

How to create Customers from the Peppol Lookup Directory?

How to verify that a Customer is Peppol Registered?

How to get the analysis report of the Outgoing or Incoming e-Invoices?

How can customers navigate to the vendor marketplace and make purchases?

How is invoice data submitted through APs in the Metro Accounting System?

How can the extraction and packaging of non-PEPPOL sales invoices be performed for submission to C5?

How can the extraction and packaging of non-PEPPOL sales credit notes be performed for submission to C5?

How can the extraction and packaging of Peppol purchase invoices be performed for submission to C5?

How can the extraction and packaging of Peppol purchase credit notes be performed for submission to C5?

How can the extraction and packaging of non-PEPPOL purchase invoices be performed for submission to C5?

How can the extraction and packaging of non-PEPPOL purchase credit notes be performed for submission to C5?

How can the extraction and packaging of aggregated B2C sales invoices be performed for submission to C5?

How can the extraction and packaging of aggregated PCP purchase invoices be performed for submission to C5?