How can I create a company as an account partner?
In Metro, a company can become an Account Partner by being assigned as a customer, supplier, or both in the system. Here's how you can set this up:
1) First, log in to the system by providing your credentials.
2) Once logged in, Click on Settings app in the main dashboard.
3) Navigate to the Users & Companies >> Companies from Settings.
View the Companies Dashboard.
4) Click on Create to add a new company.
View the add a new company form.
Company Information Section:
This section is used to enter company details:
Company Name: A text field to enter the name of the new company.
Company Logo: A placeholder for uploading the company’s logo. Clicking it allows you to upload an image.
The screenshot appears to display a portion of the company configuration form in Metro ERP. Here's a detailed explanation of each field and its purpose:
- The tabs at the top (e.g., General Information, Fiscal Localization, e-Invoice, Onboarding Setting, Corporate Secretarial Document Info) represent different sections of the company configuration settings. The currently selected tab is General Information.
Fields in the Form:
- Street: Field for add the primary street address of the company.
- Street 2: add additional field for a secondary line of the address (e.g., apartment or suite number).
- City: Field for add the city where the company is located.
- State: Dropdown field for selecting the state or province.
- ZIP: Field for add the postal or ZIP code.
- Country: Dropdown field for selecting the country of the company.
- Field to add the company's primary phone number.
- Field to add the official email address of the company.
- Field to add the company's website URL (e.g.,
- Field to add an integration or API token if required for external integrations or services.
- Field to add the company’s GST (Goods and Services Tax) number, applicable if the company operates in regions with GST.
Company Registry:
- Field to add the company’s registration number, as provided by the local business registry.
- Dropdown for add the default currency used by the company (e.g., SGD for Singapore Dollar).
Parent Company:
- Field for specifying the parent company if the organization is part of a larger corporate structure.
Tabs for Additional Settings
- General Information → Default tab that includes basic details like address, phone, and email.
- e-Invoice → Likely related to electronic invoicing settings.
- Onboarding Setting → Possibly contains configurations for onboarding employees or customers.
"Save" Button → This saves the new company details.
"Discard" Button → This cancels the creation process and discards any entered data.
"Register in Peppol" Button → This is an additional feature that allows registering the company in the Peppol network for e-invoicing.
To get more details on how can I create a company as an account partner, please do contact us at