How to use the sales quotations terms and conditions in sales application?

To use the sales quotation terms and conditions in Metro ERP's Sales App, follow these steps:

1) Go to the "Sales" module by clicking on its icon in the main dashboard or using the application menu.

2) Start by creating a new sales order or quotation for your customer.

3) Add the products the customer wants to purchase.

4) Specify the quantity and other details.

5) In the quotation form, you'll find the default terms and conditions for your quotation or order what you set in configuration form.

Sales General Setting

6) Navigate to the Configuration >> Settings menu of the sales modules.

Sales Quotation Terms & Conditions:- Display standard terms and conditions on sales orders, providing clarity and transparency to customers regarding the terms of the sale, and allowing businesses to communicate important contractual or legal information effectively. Additionally, businesses can customize these terms and conditions to meet their specific requirements and policies.


Click "Save" after making your changes.

To use the sales quotation terms and conditions, please do contact us at