​How do I search for contacts using their mobile number and address in MetroERP

To search contacts using their mobile number, email and address in Metro ERP system, follow these steps:

1)  Go to the contacts modules by clicking on the contacts modules

2) To search for a contact in the Contacts module, simply type the phone number, email address, tag or salesperson name in the search panel. This will display the specific contact associated with the entered information.

3) In the Contacts module, you can also utilize the filters option to search for contacts based on specific criteria such as city, country, street, and zip code. This allows for more precise and targeted searches.

4) Alternatively, you can use the Group By options in the Contacts module by using certain fields, such as "Created On," "Created By," or "City." This helps organize the data in a more meaningful way, making it easier to analyze contacts within the Contacts module.

​To get more details how to search contacts by using phone,email and address in MetroERP, please do contact us at  support@metrogroup.solutions