​How do I generate customer statement report in accounting application?

To generate customer statement report in Metro ERP's accounting App, follow these steps:

1) Navigate to the Accounting Module:

  • Go to the Metro ERP dashboard and click on the "Accounting" module.

2) Access Customers:

  • In the Accounting dashboard, find and click on the "Customers" menu.

3) Click and view the customer list landing page, Select the customer for whom you want to generate customer statement report. 

4) Within the customer record, you will see the Customer Statements Tab. Click on "Print Customer Statement" button. This action will download the Customer Statement details PDF report.

5) Another way for users to download Customer Statements. 

Choose a Customer:

  • In the Customer Statements view, you can filter or search for the specific customer for whom you want to generate the statement. - List View

Generate the Statement:

  • Once you have selected the customer, you will see a list of options related to that customer. Click on the "Print" button and select "Customer Statement" from the dropdown menu.

This action will download the Customer Statement details PDF report.

To get more details how to generate customer statement reports, please do contact us at  support@metrogroup.solutions