How can I apply discounts to sales order lines in the sales module?

Metro ERP  applying discounts to sales order lines in the Sales module can be done by enabling the discount feature and then adding discounts to individual order lines. Here's a step-by-step guide to achieve this: 

1) Enable Discounts in Sales Orders:

Go to the "Sales" module by clicking on its icon in the main dashboard or using the application menu.

2) Navigate to Sales > Configuration > Settings.

3) In the Sales Setting section, check the box for Discounts and  Click on Save. 

4) Apply Discounts to Sales Order Lines

Now,  Create a Sales Order:

Go to Sales > Orders > Create.

Click on Quotations and then Create to start a new quotation, or select an existing quotation to edit.

4) Fill in the customer information and other relevant details, and then Click on the "Save" button.

Add Products to the Quotation:

  • In the Order Lines section, click Add a product.
  • Select the products you wish to include in the quotation.

5) Add Order Lines with Discounts:

  • In the Order Lines section, add a product by clicking on Add a line.
  • After selecting the product, a Discount (% OR $) field will appear next to the Price Unit field.
  • Enter the discount % OR  $ for the specific product line.



You have a sales order with the following two products:

Product A

  • Unit Price: $100
  • Quantity: 1
  • Discount: 10%
First, calculate the discount amount: It is counted on the basis of Unit Price.

Discount Amount ​= Unit Price x Quantity × Discount​ (%)
      =​ 100 x 1 × (10%​) 
​      ​​= 10

Next, calculate the total after discount: 

Total After Discount ​= (Unit Price × Quantity) − Discount Amount Total 

After Discount = (100 × 1) − 10 

​=100 − 10 

​= 90

So, the total for Product A after applying the discount is $90.

6) Review and Save:

Once you've added all the order lines and applied the necessary discounts, you can save and confirm the sales order.

By following these steps, you can apply discounts to individual sales order lines in Metro ERP Sales module. You can adjust the Unit Price to achieve the desired margin.

To get more details how can I apply discounts to sales order lines, please do contact us at