How to apply filters in accounting application?
To apply filters in Metro ERP's accounting App, follow these steps:
1) Go to the "Accounting" module by clicking on its icon in the main dashboard or using the application menu.
2) Filters allow you to narrow down the list of invoices to view only those that meet specific criteria. This is particularly useful for focusing on a subset of data, such as unpaid invoices, invoices from a specific customer, or sales person or invoices within a certain date range.
3) With filters, you can quickly locate relevant information without sifting through unrelated data, saving time and improving productivity.
4) Once you're in the desired report or data view, look for Filter options.
5) From the Filters select the type of report or data you want to filter (e.g., My Invoices, Draft, Posted, Cancelled, Paid, Not Paid, Invoice Date, Due Date, etc).
6) Click on the filter criteria you want to apply. For example, if you want to filter invoices by a specific date range, click on the "Invoice Date" filter and select the date range.
7) The report will update to display only the data that matches your filter criteria.
8) You can add custom filters using the "Add Custom Filter" option if your specific filtering needs are not covered by the default filters.
9) Additionally, you can group the reports using the "Group By" options to organize the data as per your requirements.
10) Grouping invoices by certain fields, such as Salesperson, status, Sales Team or Date, helps organize the data in a more meaningful way. This makes it easier to analyze trends and patterns within your invoices.
11) Grouping helps you organize data into categories, making it easier to understand and analyze.
12) By grouping invoices, you can see summarized data, such as total amounts per customer or status, providing valuable insights for decision-making.
To get more details how to apply filters and groupby option, please do contact us at