How can we export the product list in the inventory?

In Metro, you can export the Product List from the Inventory module by following these steps:

1) Go to Inventory Module, Navigate to Inventory from the Metro dashboard.

View the  Inventory Overview Dashboard.

2) Open the Product List, Click on Products > Products.

3) View the Products List view data table. Now, Click on the List View Tab.

4)​ Select Products to Export, Select the products you want to export. To select all products, click the checkbox in the top-left corner of the list. 

After clicking the "Export" under the Action button.

5) Choose Fields to Export ,In the export wizard, select the fields you want (e.g., Product Name, Internal Reference, Quantity on Hand, Forecasted Quantity, Price).

If you need this format in the future, save the selection as a template.

Select Export Format: Choose CSV or Excel (XLSX) as the format.

6) Click Export, The file will be downloaded to your system.

To export inventory data, please do contact us at