How to do Payment follow up in Metro ERP?

In the Metro ERP, the Payment Follow-Up functionality in the Accounting module helps track overdue invoices and remind customers to make payments. Here's how to set it up and use it:

1) Go to the "Accoiunting" module by clicking on its icon in the main dashboard or using the application menu.

View Accounting Dashboard

2) Assign Follow-Up Actions to Customers

Go to Accounting > Customers > Customers.

3) View Customer Dashboard.

4) Open a customer record.

In the Accounting tab, ensure that follow-up actions are enabled for the customer.

5) Manage Follow-Ups

  1. Go to Accounting > Customers > Follow-Up Reports.
  2. You’ll see a list of overdue payments grouped by customer.
  3. From here, you can:
    • Send Follow-Up Emails: Select one or more customers and click Send by Email.
    • Print Letters: If physical reminders are needed, select the customers and click Print.
    • Record Payments: If payment is received, record it directly against the invoice.

6) Go to Accounting > Payment Follow-up > Send Follow-Ups

The screenshot shows a dialog box from Metro ERP related to the Send Follow-Ups functionality. Here's a detailed explanation:

This is used to manage follow-up communications for overdue customer invoices or payments. It helps send follow-up emails, generate follow-up letters, and track manual actions, depending on predefined levels.

Fields and Components

  1. Follow-up Sending Date:

    • The selected date indicates when the follow-up emails and letters will be sent. In the screenshot, the date is set to 10/01/2025.
  2. Follow-Up:

    • Displays the name of the customer or group to which the follow-up is being applied. Here, it’s directed to Metro Group Pte Ltd.
  3. Description Text:

    • Explains the actions triggered by this operation:
      • Sending follow-up emails.
      • Printing letters for overdue payments.
      • Setting manual follow-up actions for the customer, according to the follow-up levels defined in the system.
  4. Buttons:

    • Send emails and generate letters:
      • Initiates the follow-up process for the selected customer.
    • Cancel:
      • Closes the dialog without taking any action.

Follow-Up Workflow in Metro ERP

  1. Configuration:

    • Follow-up levels are defined under Accounting > Configuration > Follow-ups.
    • Each level specifies:
      • The number of days overdue.
      • The type of follow-up action (email, letter, or manual).
  2. Triggering Follow-Ups:

    • Users access overdue invoices through the Accounting > Follow-Up Reports menu.
    • After reviewing, this dialog allows users to send reminders or take actions.
  3. Actions Taken:

    • Depending on the customer's overdue stage:
      • Automatic email reminders are sent.
      • Follow-up letters can be generated and printed for postal communication.
      • Manual actions might be logged for further follow-up steps.
  4. Tracking:

    • The system records the sent communications and their outcomes in the customer's follow-up history, accessible under the customer profile.

7) Workflow for Manual Follow-Ups in Metro ERP

  1. Accessing Manual Follow-Ups:

    • Navigate to Accounting > Payment Follow-Up > Do Manual Follow-Ups.
  2. Reviewing Overdue Cases:

    • Use the displayed table to review all overdue accounts requiring manual intervention.
    • Focus on cases with the oldest Worst Due Date or advanced follow-up levels.
  3. Taking Action:

    • Based on the Next Action column, execute the required manual task:
      • For example, if the next action is a phone call, contact the customer and document the outcome in the system.
    • Mark the task as completed or update the Next Action Date for further follow-up.
  4. Assigning Responsibilities:

    • Ensure that follow-up actions are assigned to the appropriate user or team in the Responsible column.
  5. Tracking and Reporting:

    • Regularly monitor the status of manual follow-ups.
    • Use the Filters and Group By options to analyze follow-up performance and ensure no overdue cases are missed.

8) The highlighted menu option, Payment Follow-up > My Follow-Ups, leads to the page displayed in the screenshot.

This section allows users to track and manage follow-up actions they are responsible for. It provides a detailed overview of overdue payments and the next steps required to ensure payment collection.  

Workflow for Managing Follow-Ups

  1. Accessing My Follow-Ups:

    • Navigate to Accounting > Payment Follow-Up > My Follow-Ups.
  2. Reviewing Follow-Up Items:

    • Check the Next Action Date and Next Action columns to understand what tasks need attention and prioritize based on the Worst Due Date.
  3. Taking Action:

    • Perform the required follow-up actions, such as confirming an appointment, calling the customer, or sending reminders.
    • Update the system with the outcome of each action to keep the follow-up process on track.
  4. Monitoring Outstanding Payments:

    • Keep an eye on the Amount Overdue and Amount Due to focus on the highest-priority payments.
  5. Tracking Responsibilities:

    • Ensure follow-up tasks are completed as assigned and escalate overdue cases if necessary.

To get more details to Payment follow up in Metro ERP, please do contact us at