​How to sync or fetch bank statements in Metro ERP?

In Metro ERP, this process involves connecting to your bank to automatically import bank statements into the system. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you sync or fetch statement lines in bank statements:

1) Go to the Accounting Module. By Clicking on the 'Accounting' application.

2) Navigate to the Accounting > Bank Statements menu.

3) Click on the create button.

4) Create a New Bank Statement:

  • Click on the Create button to create a new bank statement.
  • Fill in the necessary details such as the Journal (bank account), date, and starting balance.

5) Sync Statement Line:

  • After filling out the initial details, click on the Sync Statement Line button.
  • Metro ERP will connect to your bank and fetch the latest transactions automatically.

 Once all the required fields are filled out, click the Save button.

6) Transactions Section:

  • Add a line: This allows the user to add individual transaction lines to the bank statement.
  • Columns:
    • Date: The date of the transaction.
    • Label: A description or label for the transaction.
    • Partner: The partner associated with the transaction.
    • Reference: Any reference number for the transaction.
    • Transaction Type: The type of transaction (e.g., payment, receipt).
    • Amount: The amount of the transaction.

7) Reconcile Positive and Negative Entries

  • For positive entries (deposits/credits), match them with the appropriate invoices.
  • For negative entries (withdrawals/debits), match them with vendor bills.

8) Set a specific account for the incoming and Outgoing payments

  • Incoming Payments Account:  101413 Outstanding Receipts
  • Outstanding Payments Account: 101414 Outstanding Payments

Navigate to the Accounting >  Configuration >  Journals menu.

To get more details on ​how to sync or fetch bank statements in Metro ERP?, please do contact us at  support@metrogroup.solutions