How to change GST amount or Set-up GST

To change GST amount or Set-up in Metro ERP's Accounting App, follow these steps:

1) Navigate to the Accounting Module. By clicking on the 'Accounting' application.

 There will be two configuration

  1. Configure Charts of Accounts

  2. Configure GST

2) Click on "Configuration →Taxes"

3) Search for GST and open it.

There will be two entries. One for Sales and another for Purchase.

4) Open "Sales" one first.

5) Click on "Edit" and change

→ "Tax Name" → GST 8% to GST 9%

→ Amount → 8 to 9

6) Click on Save.

7) Now copy your charts of "Account Number."

8) Click on " Configuration → Charts of Accounts. "

9) Search by that "Account Number."

Now, Click on "Set-up" 

10) Click on "Action → Duplicate."

11) Change the "Account name" (e.g, GST 9%). Save it.

12) Now go to the tax again (Configuration → Taxes)

After coming to the particular tax (GST 9%), click on edit and change the accounts. Now, save it

13) Navigate to the Main Dashboard, then Go to Settings

14) Search by "Tax"

15) Now in the "Sales Tax" field, select "GST 9%" (that we have created now). and click on "Save."

Please note: The same way, you can set or change GST for Purchase.

To get more details regarding GST set-up, please do contact us at