​How do I generate a financial statement in document overview module?

Generating a financial statement report in Metro ERP involves several steps within the document overview module. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you generate this report:

1) Once logged in, navigate to the "Documents Overview" module by clicking on its icon in the main dashboard or by using the application menu.

2) Navigate to the Documents Overview Module:

Click on the "Documents Overview" module from the main dashboard.

3) In Metro ERP, the screenshots illustrate the creation of a Financial Statement (FS) Report Style and a Financial Report Document.

Click on the " Select Template "

FS Report Style Creation

This screen is part of the Documents Overview module in Metro ERP. Here, users can set up a custom style for financial reports. Key elements include:

  • Name of the Style: Users can define a unique name for the report style (e.g., “Simplified”).
  • Company: Selects the company (in this case, “Metro Group Pte Ltd”) for which the report style will apply.
  • Report docx template: Allows users to upload a .docx template file for the report format. This template can be customized and saved, which will then be applied to financial reports for this company. Simple Document Click Here

Fill out the required fields as needed and click the Save button.

4) Click on the " Default Configuration "

Financial Report Document

This screenshot shows a document creation screen for a financial report, including sections for directors' details and their statements.

  • Company: The selected company, which is “Metro Group Pte Ltd” in this example.
  • Select Template: Allows the user to choose from pre-defined templates, such as "Simplified" style.
  • Directors: Here, the user can add the names of directors, ensuring that all relevant parties are listed for the report.
  • Director Statement: This section has fields for various statements that directors need to provide, such as:
    • Opinion of the Director: Space for directors to add their opinions on the report.
    • Arrangements to Acquire Shares or Debentures: Details of any arrangements for share or debenture acquisition.
    • Interests in Shares or Debentures: To disclose any personal financial interests.
    • Share Options: Space for mentioning any share options held by the director.

Fill out the required fields as needed and click the Save button.

Each section allows users to type in specific statements or information related to directors and their involvement, ensuring compliance with regulatory or internal reporting standards.

5) Click on the " Create Button "

The image depicts a section within Metro ERP, likely related to financial or accounting operations, specifically focusing on Director Statements. Fill out the required fields as needed and click the Save button.

Key Elements

  1. Header:

    • Documents Overview: Indicates the current section within the broader Documents module.
    • Dashboard: Likely a link to a dashboard providing a consolidated view of relevant data.
    • Company: Displays the company name associated with the current record (Metro Group Pte Ltd).
  2. Form View:

    • Overview/New: Suggests that this is either an overview of existing Director Statements or a form to create a new one.
    • Save/Discard: Standard buttons for saving or discarding changes.
    • Fetch Accounts: A button to retrieve relevant account information.
    • Year: A dropdown to select the financial year (currently set to 2024).
    • Select Style: A dropdown to choose a display style for the data (currently "Simplified").
    • General: Likely a tab or section for general information.
    • Profit & Loss: A tab or section for profit and loss statements.
    • Balance Sheet: A tab or section for balance sheets.
    • Cash Flow: A tab or section for cash flow statements.
    • Changes in Equity: A tab or section for changes in equity.
    • Property, Plant and Equipment: A tab or section for property, plant, and equipment.
    • Other: A tab or section for other relevant financial information.
    • Director Statement: A section specifically dedicated to Director Statements.
    • Opinion of the Director: A section for the director's opinion on the financial statements.
    • Arrangements to Acquire Shares or Debentures: A section for disclosures on arrangements to acquire shares or debentures.
    • Interests in Shares or Debentures: A section for disclosures on interests in shares or debentures.
    • Share Options: A section for disclosures on share options.

Financial reporting: Generating financial reports, including profit and loss statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements, and changes in equity.

Save/Discard: Standard buttons for saving or discarding changes.

Fetch Accounts: A button to retrieve relevant account information.

Print Report: The button in question, likely used to generate a printable version of the financial statement.


 To get more details how to generate a financial statement in document overview module?, please do contact us at  support@metrogroup.solutions