Save Your Time by Sharing Quotation & Invoice via Whatsapp

July 4, 2024 by
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Running a business involves many tasks. One of the most important is managing quotations and invoices. Traditionally, this has been done manually, which can be a real hassle. Imagine spending hours writing out quotations and invoices, only to discover errors that need fixing. This process can be time-consuming and stressful.

The Pain of Manual Quotation and Invoicing

Manual quotation and invoicing can be tedious and prone to mistakes. Every time you create a quotation or an invoice by hand, you risk making errors in calculations, missing out on important details, and wasting a lot of time. This not only affects your productivity but also your professionalism. Mistakes in invoices can lead to delayed payments and even lost clients.

The Benefits of Using Accounting Software

Switching to accounting software can make a big difference. With an accounting system, you can create quotations and invoices quickly and accurately. The software automatically calculates totals and taxes, reducing the chance of errors. It also stores all your data in one place, making it easy to track your financial transactions and manage your business more effectively.

Why Send Quotations and Invoices through WhatsApp?

Now, let's take it a step further. Our Metro Accounting System allows you to send quotations and invoices directly through WhatsApp. Why is this important?

  1. Instant Delivery: WhatsApp is fast. Your clients receive their quotations and invoices instantly, speeding up the entire process.
  2. Convenience: Most people use WhatsApp daily. Sending documents through this app means your clients can access them easily, wherever they are.
  3. Better Communication: WhatsApp allows for quick follow-ups and clarifications, making it easier to discuss any issues or changes needed.

Introducing Metro Accounting System

At Metro Accounting System, we understand the needs of modern businesses. Our software is designed to simplify your accounting tasks and enhance your productivity. With our feature for sharing quotations and invoices through WhatsApp, you can send documents directly from the system to your clients, making your business operations smoother and more efficient.


Don't let the hassle of manual quotation and invoicing hold you back. Embrace the ease and efficiency of Metro Accounting System. By automating your accounting tasks and using WhatsApp for instant communication, you can focus on what really matters - growing your business.

Try Metro Accounting System today and experience the difference!

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